joe crane

Since 1987 I have had the privilege of living on Cape Cod. During those years, I have always had dogs. Having the desire to experience a well behaved dog, I brought mine  to a trainer. I was doing everything wrong. Once I learned the correct way of training dogs, I was hooked.  I put an obedience title on my dog and trained her in protection, tracking and carting. Eventually I became an Apprentice to a Master Trainer.  Certified in Pet First Aid, I continue to educate myself with the most current dog materials.  I still am amazed at how much there is to learn.  The bond that forms between the owner and dog during training is immeasurable.  I invite you to experience this for yourself.



“As a business professional and dog lover working many hours, I knew I would need a professional to help me train my Golden Retriever puppy.  I attended as many classes as I possibly could.  I did everything he told me to do at home with my new puppy.  Not only did I realize that my dog was actually listening to me, I realized I was having fun.  Joe's humor kept me coming back for more.  Not only has he helped me have a good dog, he helped me learn to leave work at work and have fun with my dog.  2 years later  I'm still amazed that my dog can be in a full sprint in the woods and she actually comes to me on command!  I would have never been able to do that without Joe's help.”

Michelle LeBlanc & Jenny the Golden Retriever

“Boy, your dog is well-behaved!”  “We hear this on an almost daily basis. This is due, in large part, from what we learned from Joe. 

Livvey Catwalk

Joe provided us with the tools and techniques necessary to train our Yellow Lab, Livvey.  Most importantly, he trained us.  Rather than remaining frustrated with Livvey’s behavior and fighting a losing battle, Joe taught us that Livvey desperately wanted to do what we asked of her, we just needed to ask her in a way she could understand.

Our first call to Joe was made out of desperation, after a previous 8 week class elsewhere proved ineffective.  Joe came to our home and within minutes had Livvey walking in a loose leash walk when that wasn’t previously possible.  We were stunned and ready for what could be a new future for all of us. 

Since Joe taught us how to effectively communicate with Livvey, she has been nothing but a joy.  We can bring her anywhere and her behavior brings rave reviews from extended family and strangers. In the future, we intend to add another canine to our family and Joe will certainly be getting a call at that time!”

Glenn & Mary Bacci & Livvey the Yellow Lab

“In the spring of 2007 my yellow lab Holly Berry and I met Joe when she was 6 months old and I had no control over her.  After private classes we went to the group classes at Derbyfield.  She was so bad I didn't know if I wanted to continue going but with Joe's encouragement we did.  Two years later we are still going to class because it's fun.  Holly gets to socialize and play with the other dogs and show her stuff at "trick time".  I never would have been able to enjoy Holly without Joe's help.”

Roxane Carnes  & Holly Berry the Yellow Lab

JOE YUKNA 774-487-0325         dogmanjoeyukna@gmail.com         P.O. Box  1783, Mashpee, MA 02649